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Weekly Guided Meditation Class

Weekly Guided Meditation Class
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  • each Sunday


  • 4 - 5pm PST


  • Temecula location - email me for address

  • Online via a private Facebook page


  • Class is open to all


  • Online classes: $20 per month

  • Drop-in rate for in person: $10 per class 

More than just a guided meditation class, these weekly sessions are hour-long energy healing and empowerment exercises where you will be guided to visualize and actualize cleansing, clearing and elevation of your conscious state of awareness. Each week, we will lead you thru a different meditation exercise front-loaded with a short teaching on that class’ focus. Warning – these classes may cause profound healing, expansion of your intuition and manifestation abilities and spiritual awakening!

Classes will include out-of-body exercises, self-love and healing relationships, sound meditation, healing physical and emotional issues, manifesting abundance, healing with color, connection to higher self and spiritual guides, past-life connections and more.

Each class is one-hour in length and held in Old Town Temecula each Sunday from 4-5pm PST. The drop-in rate is $10 per class. For those not able to attend in person, online access is available via a private Facebook page with weekly Facebook Live recordings. The online monthly subscription is just $20. Please email info@carajohnsonhealing if you are interested in attending in person and/or getting online access. Please note an online subscription will give you access to the archive of all meditation classes.

Give yourself the gift of going within!

Develop & Expand Your Intuition

Develop & Expand Your Intuition
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  • Sunday, April 17th


  • 10am-1pm PST


  • Temecula


  • This event is open to all


  • $75 + $100

*Email to reserve your spot!

**This event has limited seating and space is expected to fill up fast.

Everyone has a sixth sense. The trick isn't to turn it on. It’s to turn it UP. In this two-hour intensive I am going to help you crack that 3rd eye wide open and start exploring and trusting the divine guidance known as your inner voice. Following the amazing teaching in Sonia Choquette’s “The Psychic Pathway”, I’ll teach you how to quiet the fear mind and tune into those incredible psychic vibes. Even more you’ll receive a special gift (given at the beginning of the class) that will help you exercise and strengthen your intuitive ju-ju so you can claim psychic ability as one of your super-powers. New to this intuition thing? Perfect! The class will give you great grounding, insight and direction. Is intuition already your jam but you feel stuck and want to go farther? Awesome! You’ll get advanced techniques to help deepen your abilities.

This class will be held in Temecula on Sunday, April 17th from 10am to 1pm. There is limited space so email to reserve. The price is $75 ahead of time and $100 at the door. Reserve today!

Fall Into Yourself - Coming Soon!

Fall Into Yourself
Stone Tower

A Profound 3-day Weekend Retreat that will crack you open like a coconut and reconnect you to your insanely awesome true power. This one is all about changing your world from the inside out and turning the ho-humness of your life into the dream it was meant to be.  At the end of this retreat, you will be a manifesting superhero – ready to leap tall buildings in a single bound. (cape not included)


Monthly in-person and online gatherings to include in-person meditation circles, online meditation classes (how do I meditate?!), online group healing circles focused on specific issues (like cancer recovery or eating disorders or relationship trauma or – well, you get the picture) and more!

This event is open to both men and women and is being scheduled for Spring 2019. Dates and details are forthcoming. Email me at if you are interested in kicking the doors off your lather, rinse and repeat life!

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